Meet Michal

Poco Sessions come from wide range of experience: from design and entrepreneurship to facilitation of breathwork and meditation.

Conscious Business Coaching has roots in 10+ years of experience as a designer and entrepreneur. My projects followed the inspiration of personalisation enabled by new technologies and biomimicry: learning and creating based on studies of nature. Elements of this expirience contain co-founding - considered as one of the most ecologically focused start-up in Europe as well as working on number of 3d printed projects with Joris Laarman Lab.

Inner Journey is an offering born from all my experiences related to connecting with my self, my body, my feelings. From Zen Buddhist retreats, travels to visit communities to taking 800 hours of training as a breathwork facilitator with Alchemy of Breath, this part of the journey became an invitation to open up to my intuition.

It’s time to connect the inner work and listening inside with conscious creation of new initiatives which provide abundance and wellness to all life. This is why I love to merge these two areas.

The sessions I offer are what I use for myself everyday. Conscious feeling what is present for me, listening inside, feeling an inspiration; Creating new initiatives were the wellbeing of everyone involved, including all nature around, is at the core.

I’m now settled in Portugal living close to the Arabida National Park offering Inner Journeys and Conscious Business Coaching for groups and individuals, in person as well as online.

Please reach our if you feel called.